zondag 5 mei 2019

Day 364 - Normal Communication

I forgive myself that I have accepted  and allowed myself to use anger as a means to ‚fight‘ instead of allowing myself to be vulnerable as life and to use normal communication.

I commit myself to delve into me as the moment I wish to supress myself with fear disguised as anger.

I commit myself to play with allowing myself to be open about my experiences and concerns and to show to myself that it is okay to simply say what is the matter as a matter of communication, instead of screaming and ‚defense‘.

I commit myself to use communication as a painting, which means precision and self-intimacy and patience.


For more information about writing, self-forgiveness and applying self-change, visit: http://desteni.org
For the Free online self-forgiveness course, visit: http://lite.desteniiprocess.com


zaterdag 4 mei 2019

Day 363 - Ping Pong always Wrong

Here are a few lines I wrote in relation to a pattern of going into conflict with 'words' and wanting to be acknowledged:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in a ping pong game of righteousness.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself participating in ping-pong as energy and 'competition' I stop and breathe, and I let the moment pass.

I realise and understand there is nothing to win as I am already here.

I commit myself to speak words in clarity, stability and from a startingpoint of one and equal respect for myself and life.


For more information about writing, self-forgiveness and applying self-change, visit: http://desteni.org
For the Free online self-forgiveness course, visit: http://lite.desteniiprocess.com
