woensdag 23 december 2020

Day 385 - A place to call Alone

As I prepare to post my blog I find these few sentences stored as a Draft on my blog, which are actually quite appropriate to share first:

I am in the process of moving. I kind of had a feeling that I would be moving but not in these circumstances. Hence it was very unexpected.  

What I found interesting is that once the decision was made to move, suddenly all the points that had seemed to be unsurmountable walls now became problems that we could handle. 

Also interesting how moving challenges me as I am very much a routine person and in my design I am very much 'resisting' the point of self-responsibility when everything is in flux. As if it is legitimate to be irresponsible when things are moving fast and in unexpected ways. 

Today's blog:

Recently we moved and left the city. The decision to move had been made in a very short time frame and we found a new place rather quickly. What I found interesting within this experience, is that I was able to simply 'leave' the place I had called my 'home' and move into a new one. I found this rather amazing. When I was living in the former place it felt as if the 'home' had so much substance and that it had become an integral part of me. But here I was simply walking away from it, cleaning it up and moving elsewhere. This made me realise that a 'home' is not something I should take for granted and that there is no such thing as the ONE home. In fact there are many different possibilities for a home. 

In and through the decision to move I had to embrace 'change' and for me the 'home' experience was related to things 'not changing' and remaining 'the same'. In this way the need for me to experience a 'home' can then also become compromising because for me to experience a 'home' I need to control my environment and make sure things don't change too much. When 'home' is defined in this way, we become scared of change and we will actually seek to avoid change.  'Home' then becomes something 'evil' because we use it to stop growing and expanding.

It was important for me to realise that I can make the decision to change home and execute that decision - because even though it is a lot of effort, it is technically possible. There are many things in this life that we do not consider because of the perception that they will take too much effort, but they are possible. 


For more information about writing, self-forgiveness and applying self-change, visit: http://desteni.org

For the Free online self-forgiveness course, visit: http://lite.desteniiprocess.com
