maandag 28 juni 2021

Zelfvergeving voor Beginners: Rap Rijden is Plezant

Rap rijden is plezant

Amaai mijn vrienden zijn onder den indruk

Ik ben hier precies den held

Nog een bekke rapper rijden

Dan zien ze hoeveel ik durf

We gaan hier bijkans de lucht in


Ineens kwam die vos uit het bos

Ik kon niet meer stoppen  

en hij lag onder mijn wielen

Toen was het stil in den auto

Da was nie expres

Ik weet nie waarom ik da gedaan heb

Diene vos...


Ik vergeef mijzelf dat ik mijzelf heb toegelaten en geaccepteerd slim willen lijken voor mijn vrienden en opzettelijk domme dingen doen om te bewijzen dat ik durf

Ik vergeef mijzelf dat ik mijzelf heb toegelaten en geaccepteerd stoer willen zijn en daarom opzettelijk domme dingen doen zonder na te denken en te beseffen dat ik niet alleen ben op de wereld.

Ik vergeef mijzelf dat ik mijzelf heb toegelaten en geaccepteerd verwachten dat de wereld voor mij genade kent, terwijl ik geen genade ken voor de wereld.

Ik vergeef mijzelf dat ik mijzelf heb toegelaten en geaccepteerd indruk willen maken op mijn vrienden en daarom mijn leven en dat van andere in gevaar brengen.

Ik vergeef mijzelf dat ik mezelf heb toegelaten en geaccepteerd geen respect hebben voor anderen en voor het leven van een ander.

Ik vergeef mijzelf dat ik mijzelf heb toegelaten en geaccepteerd in een moment bezeten te worden en alleen maar populair willen zijn en niet meer echt beseffen wat ik doe. 


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zaterdag 19 juni 2021

Day 393 - The Unspoken Law of the Jungle

If you look at the 'family-construct' as a social system, one would expect that it solves the problem of 'responsibility' and 'everyone being taken care of'. Because: ideally, every child is born within a family (of at least one parent) - and that is not even taking into account the amount of orphan children in this world. 

Then, because every child is ideally born within a family of at least one parent - there is an unspoken 'law of the jungle'  that every child is taken care of in this world, as the child stands under the protection and care of (at least) one adult. The 'family-construct' as a social system is then really presented as the basic foundation of society, without which children would be lost. Looking at the world superficially then, one would expect that most children in the world are taken care of as they are lodged within one or more 'family-constructs'. And, as was said, the unspoken law of the jungle dictates that since the child is in the care of a family, it is consequently 'taken care of'.

The unspoken law of the jungle does however not take into account the money-system and how it functions on a global scale. The underlying assumtion of the law of the jungle is that every family in the world will have the means to take care of a child appropriately. The only way to do that in today's world, is by having access to money. Without money, one cannot actually survive. Yet, more than half of all the human beings in todays world officially live under the poverty line. They do not have sufficient access to money and consequently they cannot actually give the care to the children that the children require. Hence roughly half the children in this world are in effect not adequately taken care of. 

Some years ago it was reported in South Africa that a pregnant woman had thrown herself off the stairs with the deliberate intent to permanently damage her unborn child, so as to later qualify for specific government support. This is the law of the jungle in full action, because it did not consider the global economic system. 

If we assume (law of the jungle) that children are to be taken care of within a family, then why would we restrict access to money for families? Why would we not want families to have guaranteed access to money so that they can adequately raise, support and take care of their children? When we resolve this contradiction, we will resolve the problem of poverty and then we will finally be able to say that families are the foundation of society, which currently they are not. 

zaterdag 12 juni 2021

Day 392 - A World where Growing Old is Embraced and Supported

This topic opened op when I was contemplating how some individuals do manage to grow quite old in this world. This struck me, because I somehow do not expect myself to get that old. And I wondered why? 

I then looked at the center point: which is that everyone fears ageing. But why do we fear it so much? Is it simply because we fear death? Maybe, but there seems to be quite a lot more to it. When I looked at it the answer was rather simple: it is that with ageing comes more insecurity. We basically do not expect that the world will be of much support when and as we grow old. That is quite rough.

As I write this I can sense a pain that is difficult to describe. 

In Europe a lot of this insecurity is tied in with the discourse being held by the governments: they already warn of the precarity of the future pensions. Make sure that somehow you have money to survive because if you do not... you need to provide for your own pension, your own plan B. This reminds me of the situation in Greece in 2014 (when the economy collapsed), when it was reported that an elderly man, when reading the amount of his montly pension allowance, walked down the river and hung himself from a tree. 

Where does 'change' begin? Does it begin on the streets? Does it begin in Parliament? Does it begin on Television? Does it begin in school? Where... what... how... 

It begins within self:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see ageing as something that is 'undesireable' and 'ugly'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realise that we locked down the economy to apparently protect the elderly, but the truth is we do not care about the elderly as we will not even guarantee their right to exist and live a meaningfull life. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to simpy 'accept' that this is how we treat elderly, which means that this is how we are willing to treat ourselves.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realise that our society punishes the elderly - which is the reflection of a society hating itself. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hate myself and consequently accept that it is ok that I should fear for my own survival as an elderly - as if that somehow is what I actually deserved all along: to die like a rat.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have no understanding of what it means to care for myself as life and to care for another as life. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to prove myself unable to have a long term vision for humanity and for myself and for the existence of humanity in this world.

A World where Growing Old is Embraced and Supported. What would that look like? In the beginning was the Word. 


For more information about writing, self-forgiveness and applying self-change, visit:

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