zondag 30 juni 2019

Day 366 - Notes on 'Expectations'

I investigated myself within 'expectations' - these are notes from my notebook. 

"Irritation – acceptance and allowance: expectations – not being realistic.

Being stubborn in the face of reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in expectation, as the expectation of an outcome or an experience – instead of getting to know my reality and being flexible in regards to what I expect.

I see, realise and understand that expecation weakens me – and compromises me, as I fight for my expectations – instead of letting go in 1 moment.

Responding to what is actually here – instead of chasing a delusion as mindfuck."


For more information about writing, self-forgiveness and applying self-change, visit: http://desteni.org
For the Free online self-forgiveness course, visit: http://lite.desteniiprocess.com


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